The Mildura Vintage Vehicles Club aims to encourage interest in classic automobiles of any year, assist members with the restoration and maintenance of their vehicle and create an environment whereby members and their families can share their enthusiasm socially.
Our Club came into existance in November 1966. The following members were instrumental in getting the Club up and running. Ross Burr, Doug Reid, Michael Gausden, Ian Sharman, 'Bluey" Moore, Ian Hinks, Ken Robb,Trevor Thomas and Harry Brown.
Our first club rooms came into effect in November 1967 it was the boiler room of the old Power House Building.
The recorded History of the Mildura Vintage Vehicle Club begins on 7th February 1969 where minutes of an annual General Meetting was held with election of office bearers.
Our next club rooms were located at the Mildura Airport the old ballon launch station in 1983. Our membership was growing steadily to 56 and we were averaging 45 members and several ladies to our A G M's. On February 13th 1999 a lease was signed for the Les Wilkinson Hall GOL GOL with a lot of hard work and working bees by the members of the MVVC has made the building what it is today.
Over the years many members have done a lot for the our club to many to name here, I do invite you to read 40 and 50 years of Mallee Motoring by Ian Hinks the complete history of our proud club
These books gives an insight into the personnel that have guided the club through the years.