Ron’s Pie Run 2016 .
We started at the Clubrooms for a cuppa with party pies & party quiches that I had made. There were 70 members in attendance in 33 vehicles. We headed off down Pitman Ave then down the River Road past the Botanical Gardens. We pulled over for everyone to catch up just before Dareton as Carolyn rang me to say they had a car that had taken a bit to get started. We only had 20 cars not sure why as everyone was told to keep an eye on the car behind and if you couldn't see them to stop. So we should have all been together. We went over the bridge and arrived at Luke and Tash Quicks only to find the rest of the cars there. We all found a spot to put our chairs. Tash and her mother-in-law Alison had made Pies, Pasties & Sausage Rolls for everyone. They were delicious! Colleen had a raffle which was drawn with the winners being Lee, Don, Joe , Desley and Bob . Then back to the Clubrooms for Apple or Apricot Crumble that Gail had made with Ice Cream. A big "THANKYOU" to Tash and Alison for donating the homemade pies, pasties and sausage rolls. "THANKYOU" to Luke and Tash for hosting us all out at their place. Thanks also to Gail and Peter for doing the sweets. With the money we have raised at Ron’s Pie Run and the Christmas in July event we have decided to buy some vases to donate to the Nursing Homes around Sunraysia. We will put a plaque on them from M.V.V.C. Any leftover funds I will split between SIRS & Cancer Resources. Thanks Lee
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